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No New Posts Stone Tablets

Please refer here before joining.

Moderator: Devilstar

1 1 Rules, Staff Duties, and Punishments (UD! 11/6)
by Devilstar
Jul 17, 2009 4:04:58 GMT -5
No New Posts General Board

You can talk about anything here

Moderator: Devilstar

by Novey
Jul 1, 2010 18:18:30 GMT -5
No New Posts Absences

If you are going to be away from the board for more than a few days, please post an excuse note letting us know so we can keep your account safe.

10 23
No New Posts Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

If you have anything to ask or want to comment or want to suggest, this is board.

Please be respectful.

Moderator: Devilstar

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No New Posts Fan Works

This is for anything you may have made for the series or this site or of your own cats. Nothing offensive, please.

Moderator: Devilstar

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No New Posts Announcements - 1 Viewing

If anything important is going to be changed with this site, a notice shall be place here.

Moderator: Devilstar

3 8 November Activity Check
by Devilstar
Nov 17, 2009 22:13:17 GMT -5
No New Posts Affiliates & Advertising

If you happen to have a board you want to promote, this is the board for you. If you are posting an affiliate request, please have our banner up first.
Guest Accessible

Moderator: Devilstar

87 95 Whoniverse-rp (Doctor Who) - Davros and the Daleks
by The Tenth Doctor
Feb 15, 2011 21:46:15 GMT -5
No New Posts Archives - 2 Viewing

All dead or finished threads are to be moved here by staff members, and are viewable by all.

Sub-board: OOC Threads

4 48 Request Board?
by Devilstar
Nov 8, 2009 0:46:47 GMT -5
No New Posts Staff Board

If anything needs to be discussed involving the site, staff will discuss it in here.

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No New Posts Unaccepted Profiles

After reading the rules, you may put your profile here to be reviewed and possibly accepted.

Moderator: Devilstar

5 7 Otterfur of MeadowClan
by foxgirl24
Sept 21, 2012 18:16:18 GMT -5
No New Posts Accepted Profiles

If your profile has been accepted, it is moved here by staff and you may start roleplaying.

Moderator: Devilstar

Sub-boards: MeadowClan Profiles, MistClan Profiles, StormClan Profiles, FlareClan Profiles, Kittypet, Loner & Rogue Profiles, Inactive/Decease Profiles

40 80
No New Posts Adoption - 1 Viewing

All character available for adoption will be located here. Auditions for particular ranks or cats will also be held here.

Sub-board: Completed Adoptions or Auditions

10 22 Mistclan Medicine Cat Auditions
by Axylia Mae!
Sept 7, 2009 17:04:45 GMT -5
No New Posts Character Logs

In here is where you may keep tabs on all of your characters. This is a free for all.

7 17 Lily's Pretty Little Kitties
by Helica
Sept 6, 2009 14:06:48 GMT -5
No New Posts Requests

This is a board for just about anything that can be requested. Friends, enemies, cats for a plot, or if you want someone to play your cat for a while, you can post in here as well.

All permanent longtime decisions must be approved by a staff member.

1 1 Dial R For Relationships!
by (( lullaby *
Nov 14, 2009 20:05:00 GMT -5


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Clan Den

The clan densite of Meadowclan is a small clearing is an otherwise lush meadow. There is a small den, which is that of the Leader's, and it is raised up with the small entrance surrounded by rocks. The Warrior's Den is only a few feet away, and is dug into the earth for warmth. The Medicine Cat's den is hidden on the very edge of the clearing, with the Kits' den very near it.

2 28 A bored Kit can't be good{Open for 2 more}
by Helica
Oct 4, 2009 13:19:51 GMT -5
No New Posts Glass Pool

Towards the northern edge of Meadowclan, there is a small pond with a soft mossy bottom that contains very few rocks. The water is crisp and cool from the underground spring below it, and its surface is so smooth one can admire their appearance in it. Well, unless a cat takes a plunge into the cool waters...

1 7 Swimming, Anyone?
by Cinder
Nov 14, 2009 11:37:36 GMT -5
No New Posts Canopy Meadows

In between Meadowclan's camp site and the southern border, there is a particular patch of the lush meadows that has a thick canopy overhead. This area is much cooler than its surroundings due to the canopy, and is usually rather dim even with the sunlight bright on the surrounding grass. Many Elders can be found here due to the calming aura.

1 1 Hunting [open]
by mapletail
Nov 5, 2009 17:51:03 GMT -5


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No New Posts Camp Den - 1 Viewing

Most of Mistclan contains low depressions in the earth that fill with water during the rainy season, called wet prairies. Most of these depressions can vary from a few inches deep to several feet. When the water evaporates, a thick, moist fog trickles over almost all of Mistclan's territory, making it very difficult to see through. Close to the border with neutral territory, there is a patch of ground that is higher than the surrounding area, and it is here that Mistclan have made their dens.

3 42 Cold Night Bright Morning (Open)
by Helica
Nov 12, 2009 22:40:00 GMT -5
No New Posts Wet Prairies

Directly below the raised camp den, the wet prairies start. They are low depressions in the ground, and are almost always filled with water during the rainy season. However, they are typically bone dry during Greenleaf, and kits can often be found attempting to climb down into here. During the rainy season, this area is known as 'Danger Zone.'

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No New Posts Grasslands

Past the wet prairies, the ground tapers off to become more level, and becomes dry and dusty with short grass raising from it. Smaller prey, such as mice or gophers, can be found here in resplendence. Kits often play here under the watchful eye of their mothers. Apprentices who are beginning on their training will also be found here often with their mentors. Around the edges of the graslands, it changes into a more forested area that contains larger prey along with other predators.

2 8 Everything will be okay [Lily & Wildy]
by Helica
Nov 15, 2009 1:36:15 GMT -5


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No New Posts Camp Den

Stormclan has retained its original name from before the wildfire three years ago due to the wild, pelting rain storms that cause the vegetation to grow lush and large all over Stormclan's territory. Stormclan's dens are located near to a dead tree that was snapped in two by lightning so long ago. The Leader's den is located directly below the broken tree.

1 11 Morning Musings (open)
by Ẅ ĭ ļ ð ŷ
Jul 30, 2009 19:54:55 GMT -5
No New Posts Ferns

Several hundred feet away from the broken tree, there are tall, green ferns that are several feet high and shield the rare ray of sunlight from hitting the soft, moist soil below the leaves. Many cats who wander through this area walk away with muddied paws and fur. Few rocks are located in the soil, though the ferns are surrounded by large rock that allow one to peer across Stormclan clearly.

4 35 Hunting for Herbs {Rabbittail/Open/Open}
by Helica
Jul 2, 2010 0:55:40 GMT -5
No New Posts Climbing Rocks

At the very southern tip of Stormclan's territory there are large, hulking rocks that seem to climb on top of each other to attempt to rip the sky open. Birds of prey like to nest here during the mating season, and so cats are warned to stay away from these area due to the inherent dangers. However, there is the occasional sure-footed cat that ignores this warning and climbs the rocks.

2 15 myth's water[OPEN]
by (( lullaby *
Sept 11, 2009 16:43:52 GMT -5


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No New Posts Camp Den

Flareclan's dens are located along the bottom of a large, inactive volcano that has a rounded top. The grounds surrounding the volcano and the dens are the lushest of the ground due to the rich volcano soil. Plants reach skyward high above them, providing a large amount of shade for all cats from the scorching sun in the sky. At night, with the appropriate high position above the plants, the cats have a beautiful view of Starclan.

1 8 Boredom in the Leaves <<Open>>
by Ẅ ĭ ļ ð ŷ
Nov 9, 2009 19:22:36 GMT -5
No New Posts Flame Forests

This small forest gets its name from the colors its leaves during Leaf-fall. The leaves turn rich shades of red, orange, and shadows of yellow. When the wind blows, the forests seems as if it is on fire as the leaves ripple and wave with the wind. The ground underneath this fiery forest is extremely dry and hot, small, sharp rocks are visible.

1 2 alone. [OPEN!]
by Cinder
Nov 15, 2009 14:58:37 GMT -5
No New Posts Dry Creekbed

As a border between Flareclan and neutral territory, there is a long, thin creek bed that used to overflow yearly but has since dried up, leaving a safe area for kits to play and Apprentices to train. However, there are sharp rocks hidden very close to the surface of the bed, so one must be careful as to where they step.

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Neutral Ground

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No New Posts Whistling Lake

This large lake, full of minnows and bass, gets its name from the odd whistling that seems to be heard during the winter time that comes from the mountain range on the other side of the lake, barely seen in the distance. It has a soft, squishy muddy bottom, and cats can be found resting in the warm waters to soothe aches and pains.

1 2 Facing the Past (Kiako)
by Kiako
Nov 15, 2009 16:36:43 GMT -5
No New Posts Rust Canyon - 1 Viewing

This large, magnificient canyon is made from yellow-red soil that gives it its name. It is treacherous along the edges that can crumble to the dried river bed several hundred feet below with no warning. However, there are a few sturdy trails that one may take if they are willing to risk it. It takes the more physical fit cats to make it down to the bottom.

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No New Posts Marshes - 1 Viewing

On the other side of the neutral grounds from the lake are the Marshes. It is vast, and has soft, squishy mud that can easily catch one's paws. At the very center of the Marshes is a large quicksand pit that can suffocate even the hardiest cat within minutes. Tall, wide ferns stretch skyward with willows and cypress trees allowing little sunlight through. The occasional tree has roots that a cat can rest on.

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No New Posts Depression

After the Marshes finally end, the ground slowly dips into a large, low depression in the ground. It is a pleasant area, abundant in large and small prey alike. It is circular in area, and many cats can be seen frollicking in the tall grass. The edges of the Depression are gently sloped, and cats enjoy rolling down the walls and into the soft grass.

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No New Posts The Hills

Along the eastern edge of the neutral grounds, there is a very hilly range that can very from gently sloping hills to sudden drop-offs. Cats are welcome to play and hunt here, though they are warned to keep an sharp eyes for the sudden cliffs that can appear. It is lush in tall, hulking trees and surprisingly short grass. Smaller prey can occasionally be found here.

1 10 the world is B L A C K. [OPEN!]
by Kiako
Nov 15, 2009 16:22:20 GMT -5

Sacred Territory

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No New Posts Fourtrees

Once every moon, cats from all four clans may come here to gather and converse. It is a chance for the clans to be updated on each other's statuses. Fighting is forbidden, and peace reigns here under the watchful eyes of Starclan.

1 3 An Unexpected Meeting (Stormwing/Oakleaf only)
by Cinder
Sept 15, 2009 15:45:35 GMT -5
No New Posts Highstones - 1 Viewing

Within Highstones is where the Moonstone is located. Leaders must come here to receive their nine lives, and medicine cats will often come here to talk with Starclan. It is mostly underground and only Leaders and Medicine Cats know its exact location.

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